Otago Radio Control Car Club
Dunedin covers Onroad, Offroad, Indoors, Electric, Gas radio control cars.
We race the 3rd Sunday of the Month at Victoria Road car-park next to the Dunedin Ice Stadium. Start about 9am in the morning to setup the track, with racing commencing around 10:30am and lasting for 4 to 5 hrs. First time racers get the first 1 race meet for free, then the cost is $10 for members, $10 for non members.
We currently race the following classes: 21.5t Touring Stock Blinky 13.5t Super Stock Blinky TT02 Spec Class Rookie 21.5t Touring Stock Modified, F1, and 1/10th 4WD Gas classes are available but not currently run at moment.
Offroad: This will be on hold for the 2019 until further notice. . Race day is the 2nd Sunday of the Month. Registration closes at 10am with racing starting 11am. The cost is $10 for members, $10 for non members. Classes are 1/8th Buggy, 1/8th Truggy, 1/10th Short Course.
Indoors: Once we have secured indoor venue. We are working on a track design that will suit both electric onroad and offroad cars and will inform you where and when we are ready to rumble.
Postponement: If either the onroad or the offroad needs to be postponed due to rain, they will be moved to the 4th Sunday of the month. If in the event both meetings are postponed. If there is not a class for you, come and talk to us, there may be others wishing to race that class.
O.R.C.C.C On-Road
Victoria Road carpark
next the Dunedin Ice Stadium
We race the 3rd Sunday of the Month at Victoria Road car-park next to the Dunedin Ice Stadium.
Start about 9am in the morning to setup the track, with racing commencing around 10:30am and lasting for 4 to 5 hrs. First time racers get the first 1 race meet for free, then the cost is $10 for members, $10 for non members. We currently race the following classes:
- 21.5t Touring Stock Blinky
- 13.5t Super Stock Blinky
- TT02 Spec Class
- Rookie 21.5t Touring Stock
Modified, F1 and 1/10th 4WD Gas classes are available but not currently run at moment.
Postponement: If either the onroad needs to be postponed due to rain, they will be moved to the 4th Sunday of the month.
If there is not a class for you, come and talk to us, there may be others wishing to race that class.
O.R.C.C.C Off-road
This will be on hold for the rest of 2019 until further notice.
Race day is the 2nd Sunday of the Month.
Registration closes at 10am with racing starting 11am.
The cost is $10 for members, $10 for non members.
Classes are
- 1/8th Buggy
- 1/8th Truggy
- 1/10th Short Course