1/8 Off Road April race day
7 April 24

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Entry form

Entries close at 11:59pm 7th April, 2024

Your details:

Please select your name from the licence list.
You must have a valid licence to enter this event.

Please enter a valid email address

Please enter a phone number, for contact tracing purposes

Choose your classes:

Please select a class to enter

Transponder Please enter your transponder number
Transponder Please enter your transponder number
Transponder Please enter your transponder number
Transponder Please enter your transponder number

Entry Fees:

There is a maximum charge of $20

DescriptionFirst EntryAdditional EntrySum
- - - -
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Total number of entries -

There is a maximum charge of $20

Once you submit, we'll send an email to your supplied address.

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Event Entry List >

Our COVID-19 Plan

Please don't attend the race meeting if you are feeling unwell.

Event information


Page Grove (Up the hill at the end of the cul-de-sac)


Lower Hutt


7 April 24


0900 - Gates Open

0900 - 1000 Open Practice and registration

1000 - 1015 Drivers briefing

1030 - Qualifying heats and finals.

Timetable is indicative only and is subject to change. Race day is dependant on weather, entry numbers and other factors.

Classes Offered

1/8 Nitro Buggy

1/8 Nitro Truggy

1/8 Electric Buggy 

1/8 Electric Truggy

Payment Instructions

Please make all payments to the following bank account;

  • Capital Model Racers
  • ANZ
  • Account Number: 06-0582-0055967-00

Please use your surname, 8th Off Road and the month as reference so we can ensure your payment has been recieved.

You must bring a screen shot of your payment to show the Race Director.


Open Practice from 0900 - 1000.


Nitro 3 x 7 min rounds

Electric 3 x 10 min rounds.


A drivers briefing will be held prior to the finals to confirm the race order and length.

Nitro classes 1 x 20 - 30 min final (confirmed on the day)

Electric 3 x 10 min finals.

Lap Timing

Please check and enter your transponder numbers when you complete your entry.


Drivers must marshall the race after their own or arrange for someone to stand in for them. The first race will be marshalled by the drivers from the last race.


Please check the club Facebook page for cancellations.

Entry Form >

Event Entry List >


Name Club Sponsors Paid

Nitro Buggy

Nitro Truggy

Ep Buggy

Ep Truggy

Dustin Brattle cmr Dzine Signs/Top Shelf RC
Alexander Isaksson cmr
Brayden Stephens cmr Pencarrow Racing
James Fraser cmr Team Fraser Racing
Verne Raffan cmr Topshelf
Warren Brougham cmr Semog raccing
Frank Smith cmr TopShelf-RC
Wayne Barrell cmr Pencarrow Racing
Jason Jamison cmr
Keegan Levien cmr Sparko | Capital RC | VP Fuel | PowerHD | Corsatec
Brad Mcgee cmr Sparko | Capital RC | VP Fuel | PowerHD | Corsatec
Troy Bean cmr
Barry Hibberd cmr
Scott Davis cmr
Warren Brougham cmr Semog raccing
Neil White cmr
Kurt Barrell cmr Pencarrow racing
Dave Edhouse cmr www.TopShelf-RC.co.nz | HillBilly Racing | Dzine Signs
Aaron Martin cmr
Aidan Bean cmr
Hamish Duncan cmr My Back Pocket
Paul Hodges cmr
Steve Ottow cmr TopShelf RC
Hadyn Key cmr

Entries by class

Nitro Buggy (14)

Dustin Brattle8808655
Brayden Stephens 7483786
Verne Raffan5402629
Frank Smith4892754
Wayne Barrell3364034
Jason Jamison4010952
Keegan Levien8546152
Brad Mcgee8183782
Barry Hibberd9953879
Scott Davis9220743
Neil White6076419
Kurt Barrell5544953
Dave Edhouse3127351
Hadyn Key1313998

Nitro Truggy (7)

Brayden Stephens 6135512
Warren Brougham5483564
Wayne Barrell4865302
Barry Hibberd3842797
Warren Brougham6069027
Neil White1577560
Kurt Barrell1352655

Ep Buggy (13)

Alexander Isaksson3705298
James Fraser7030253
Frank Smith4194573
Keegan Levien5341770
Brad Mcgee3560900
Scott Davis3458112
Dave Edhouse9361166
Aaron Martin2568178
Aidan Bean
Hamish Duncan2050285
Paul Hodges4196016
Steve Ottow7311402
Hadyn Key4823000

Ep Truggy (8)

Dustin Brattle8271298
James Fraser8088422
Warren Brougham6069027
Jason Jamison9917544
Troy Bean
Dave Edhouse9757850
Hamish Duncan4963677
Steve Ottow4227434

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