August Club Race Meet
10th August 2024

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Entry form

Entries close at 11:59pm 9th August, 2024

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Please select your name from the licence list.
You must have a valid licence to enter this event.

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Transponder * Please enter your transponder number
Transponder * Please enter your transponder number
Transponder * Please enter your transponder number

Entry Fees:

DescriptionFirst EntryAdditional EntrySum
- - - -
- - - -
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Our COVID-19 Plan

Details are subject to change depending on venue requirements

Event information


Mount Sports Complex

Maunganui Road corner Hull Road

Mount Maunganui


Onsite - be early as we share parking with kids sports


10th August 2024


7:00am - Doors Open and track build 08:30 - Drivers Briefing Quals starts after Drivers briefing Approx 3pm - Track Pack up. Everyone is expected to stay until carpet is all in the store room .

The timetable is approximate only, and subject to change at the discretion of Race Control.

Entry Details

Entries close on the Thursday prior to the meeting at 6pm. It is easier for race control to remove entries than it is to add them, especially during the points series where classes are seeded. If you do enter after cut off, you may be seeded at the back of the field.Please enter the correct transponder numbers for all your cars to help in organising for the event.Please pay online by Thursday prior race day.

Payment Instructions

TIRCCC Westpac Bank 03-0435-0002777-000 (use your name as reference) Members First Car $15 succeeding cars $10Family Members - Max $40Junior Members First Car $10 succeeding cars $10Non Members First Car $20 succeeding cars $10

Race Director

Thomas Deelstra

Entry Form >

Event Entry List >


Name Club Sponsors Paid

Super Stock Touring


M Chassis

Stock Touring 21.5t


2wd Buggy 10.5t



2wd Truck 10.5t


4wd Buggy 8.5t

Vintage - Pre 95

Tamiya Euro Trucks (on road)

David Sweeney hrccc Frankton Model Shop, Team Zombie NZ
Alex Sweeney hrccc Team Zombie nz, Frankton model shop, Yokomo nz, Hobbywing, crash paints
Hayden Holmberg m
John Fitness airccc Mainland RC, JC Racing Products
Matthew Fitness airccc Mainland RC, JC Racing Products
Vincent Warner hrccc
Timothy Warner hrccc
Logan Marten tirccc
Kasey Hawkins airccc Team Snikwah, Dad!
David West hrccc IM COMING FOR YOU JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!
Jared Coombes tirccc Yokomo Frankton Modelshop
Thomas Warner hrccc
Allan Buchan tirccc Send-it RC, Mugen Seiki NZ, Sweep, Surpass
Michael Hawkins airccc Team Snikwah
Jared Sorensen boprccc Send it RC, Asa Grafix, Mugen Seiki, Sweep, Surpass
Kyra Sorensen tirccc Dad
Thomas Deelstra tirccc
Mason Coombes tirccc
Damian Coffey tirccc
Jackson Coombes tirccc Yokomo Frankton Modelshop
Matthew MacCormick tirccc
Jamie Neeves hrccc
Nathan Macdonald m SMRC
Mathew McGovern boprccc
Joe Daniels boprccc Send-it RC, Mugen Seiki, Surpass, Sweep, RC Banter
Craig Kelly counties
Logan Toia hrccc Yokomo, Frankton Model Shop, Jconcepts, Hobbywing, Sanwa, Outlaw RC, H.O.T Ltd, Crash Paints
Shane Macdonald gkrraceway SMRC
Cameron Macdonald m SMRC
William Hargreaves counties Yokomo NZ, Frankton Model Shop, Team Zombie NZ
Doran Simon tirccc
Steve Newton tirccc Adrenalin RC
Glenn Littlejohn tirccc
Kris Adriaansz boprccc
David Ward tirccc Schumacher, msp, jc racing products
Bernard Cristobal tirccc Outlaw RC, Building Ideas, Send It RC
blake simon tirccc
Carl Acton tirccc
Mike Neeves hrccc
Liam McGovern boprccc sendit rc

Entries by class

Super Stock Touring (2)

Joe Daniels3809686
Carl Acton7983469

closed (14)

Hayden Holmberg4840199
Matthew Fitness1226877
Vincent Warner4404082
Kasey Hawkins4027215
Thomas Warner1295258
Kyra Sorensen666
Mason Coombes9352044
Nathan Macdonald1306903
Cameron Macdonald9332082
Ethan Lilly3529145
Kaleb Lilly3314646
Glenn Littlejohn5682461
blake simon2396977
Liam McGovern2974865

M Chassis (0)

Stock Touring 21.5t (4)

Vincent Warner4404082
Timothy Warner7771408
Thomas Warner1295258
Michael Hawkins3319050

closed (34)

David Sweeney8486117
Alex Sweeney6003592
Hayden Holmberg4840199
John Fitness7788259
Matthew Fitness1226877
Vincent Warner4404082
Timothy Warner1019946
Logan Marten3481250
Kasey Hawkins9231897
David West9423162
Jared Coombes2995809
Thomas Warner1295258
Allan Buchan8601124
Jared Sorensen5225928
Thomas Deelstra8642726
Damian Coffey9682380
Jackson Coombes4387177
Matthew MacCormick9725063
Jamie Neeves8486813
Mathew McGovern2852922
Michael Lilly2794499
Craig Kelly1553814
Logan Toia4101517
Shane Macdonald5531515
Cameron Macdonald9332082
Ethan Lilly3529145
Kaleb Lilly3314645
Doran Simon4216393
Steve Newton8515918
Glenn Littlejohn5682461
Kris Adriaansz1597801
Bernard Cristobal3971556
Mike Neeves2121915
Liam McGovern2974865

2wd Buggy 10.5t (8)

David Sweeney8486117
Alex Sweeney7340940
Jared Sorensen7925004
Jackson Coombes4387177
Joe Daniels6089528
William Hargreaves4605633
Steve Newton1504298
Carl Acton9189941

Shortcourse (5)

Mathew McGovern-1
Ethan Lilly3529145
Kris Adriaansz4399731
Bernard Cristobal8624187
Liam McGovern-1

closed (8)

David Sweeney3055378
David West2919828
Allan Buchan7730706
Thomas Deelstra5493153
Damian Coffey5288077
Matthew MacCormick1901228
Jamie Neeves1286557
Kris Adriaansz2754464

2wd Truck 10.5t (3)

Joe Daniels8799886
Steve Newton3529145
David Ward400685

closed (21)

Alex Sweeney4230224
Hayden Holmberg2738410
John Fitness7647145
Logan Marten3481256
Kasey Hawkins4027215
David West5039088
Jared Coombes4694959
Michael Hawkins6615094
Thomas Deelstra3166595
Damian Coffey7316585
Jackson Coombes4745800
Matthew MacCormick6579510
Jamie Neeves5932975
Michael Lilly4916962
Craig Kelly2300046
Logan Toia7696063
Cameron Macdonald4355495
Kaleb Lilly3314646
Doran Simon2396977
Bernard Cristobal3147907
Mike Neeves6256010

4wd Buggy 8.5t (5)

Allan Buchan2894066
Jackson Coombes4745800
William Hargreaves8609505
David Ward400685
Carl Acton1633713

Vintage - Pre 95 (7)

John Fitness6064913
Matthew Fitness7964867
Kasey Hawkins2741050
Thomas Deelstra9228658
Matthew MacCormick4683896
David Ward400685
Carl Acton9086913

Tamiya Euro Trucks (on road) (0)

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