Mainland RC Auckland Astro Masters 2024
29-30 June 2024

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Entry form

Entries close at 11:59pm 23rd June, 2024

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Please select your name from the licence list.
You must have a valid licence to enter this event.

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Transponder * Please enter your transponder number
Transponder * Please enter your transponder number
Transponder * Please enter your transponder number
Transponder * Please enter your transponder number

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- - - -
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- - - -



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Our COVID-19 Plan

Just don't be a dumb ass and turn up when you're sick.

Event information


Action Indoor Sports Waitakere

133 Central Park Drive




Plenty of offroad parking at the venue. Additional parks at the rear.


Free entry for spectators.


29-30 June 2024


Track will be setup on Friday night so ready to go come the morning.  Times based on maximum entries, so subject to change.

0700 - Doors Open
0745 - Drivers Briefing
0800 - Two rounds of controlled practice followed by three rounds of Qualifying
2030 Racing Finishes – Track Closed 


Times based on maximum entries, so subject to change.

0800 - Doors Open
0845 - Driver Briefing
0900 - Three Rounds of main start
1700 - Prizegiving

The timetable is approximate only, and subject to change. Dependant on entry numbers, other factors. At the discretion of Race Control.

Event Information

The third annual Mainland RC Auckland Astro Masters for 1/10th cars hosted by AIRCCC.  Will be EPIC! 

Entries to be at 10 cars per mod and stock truck class, 20 for Vintage.  Limited to 200 cars and 20 heats max.

Entries will not be accepted after the closing date. 

Send it.

Entry Details

No limit of number of cars per person.

Classes Offered

2WD Stock 17.5t

2WD Mod 10.5t

4WD Stock 17.5t

4WD Mod 8.5t

Stadium Truck Stock 17.5t (10 Max)

Stadium Truck 10.5t (10 Max)

Vintage Pre95 G20 (20 Max)

Control Tyres

Open tyres

Payment Instructions

Online Payments Only

Payment must be received before midnight of the 14th of June.

Account Number: 01-0495-0368666-00
Please use Initial and Surname as reference and 'masters' as code so we can ensure your payment has been received.  


2 rounds of controlled practice to be offered. Best consecutive 3 laps to count towards seeding for Qualifying rounds  


3 rounds of Qualifying to held on Saturday. Qualifying to be done via a staggered start system. Your single best qualifying round is to be counted towards your finals position.


Finals to be run over 3 races with points awarded for each race based on placings. Your two best final results will determine your overall result.
Final starting positions to be based on the results from Qualifying, with the fastest/highest qualifier on Grid 1 descending in qualifying order to the maximum number of racers in the heat. The grid order is fixed for remainder of meeting regardless of race results. 

Race Director

Darryl Maslin

Time Keeper

Darryl Maslin


All vehicles and batteries to conform to NZRCA indoor offroad regulations. 

Vintage class allows brushed silver can motor (include Torque Tune, G27, G20 and G2X.


Cars to be checked randomly of the course of the event to ensure they comply with NZRCA rules.

All place getters will also be checked.

Prize Giving

Prize giving will be held at the end of the event on Sunday,

Lap Timing

MyLaps RC4 transponder required


Drivers must marshal the race following their own. The first race will be marshalled by the drivers of the last race.


Pit area available inside main building on one of the additional courts. No pitting allowed in the main foyer area or upstairs (reserved for committee and race director). You must provide table and chairs. AIRCCC will have a few spares for those that are travelling, please reach out to the club. 


A food truck will be on-site (TBC).  Snack food available from the inhouse bar.  Fast food outlets nearby.

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Event Entry List >


Name Club Sponsors Paid

2wd Stock 17.5 (Closed)

2wd Mod 10.5 (Closed)

4wd Stock 17.5 (Closed)

4wd Mod 8.5

Stadium Truck Stock 17.5 (Closed)

Stadium Truck Mod 10.5 (Closed)

Vintage Pre95

Daniel Yorke nhrccc HOBBYWING, Schumacher, Rush, Savox, GensAce, Hobbystation
Dylan Toia hrccc Yokomo, Hobbywing, Frankton Model Shop, Outlaw RC
Craig Snowdon tirccc Building Ideas
Craig Pullar airccc Mainland rc, maungi rc
Mark Gregory hbrccc schumacher
Mike Hunt airccc Hobby Station, Team Associated NZ, JC Racing Products
Logan Toia hrccc Yokomo, Frankton Model Shop, Jconcepts, Hobbywing, Sanwa, Outlaw RC, H.O.T Ltd, Crash Paints
Tayla Yorke airccc Dad
Matthew Fitness airccc Maungi RC
Steve Loomes airccc Mainland rc. Lrp nz. Srt.
Colin Storey nhrccc Team Tekin-Maungi Rc-Tlr-Proline
Nathan Toia hrccc Frankton Model Shop
Shane Gollop counties HOT-Gens ace-Orca-R1-TLR-Proline-Arrowmax
John Fitness airccc MainlandRC, JC Racing Products
Gael Bueno Ware nhrccc Team Zombie NZ Yokomo NZ Frankton Model Shop
Gavin Clements airccc
Rudie Du Preez airccc Xray RC / One 7 RC
Troy Mckinlay airccc
Chris Gormanly mrccc ONR7RC
Julian Hardy mrccc WCS, PR Racing NZ
Craig Kelly counties
Alan Looi counties HS
Daniel Edwards airccc Supercity Electrical Ltd Ben Cable Electrical ltd
Evan Crighton counties
Derrick Yao airccc HOBBY STATION
Mike King nhrccc
Adrian Lorenzen gkrraceway Maungi RC
Rhys Kerrigan airccc
Brandon Hodge hrccc
Luke Prattley mrc Mainland RC, Schumacher NZ, LRP, SRT, Elceram
Jamie Neeves hrccc
Ben Young counties
Andrew Birdsall counties
Neville Bishop nhrccc Team Zombie NZ
Kasey Hawkins airccc Team Snikwah, Dad!
Gareth Lambert airccc
Stefan Fourie counties
Michael Hawkins airccc Team Snikwah
Jonathan Thompson counties
David Sweeney hrccc Frankton Model Shop, Team Zombie NZ
Shayne Nixon airccc
Alex Sweeney hrccc Team zombie nz, Frankton model shop, Yokomo, crash paints
Adrian Shepherd airccc Team Zombie NZ
Justin Shepherd airccc Team Zombie NZ
Scott Brownhill hrccc HOT RC - TLR - R1 Wurks - ORCA - Proline - Gens Ace - SAVOX
Pita Rowe airccc NTR racing
Robert Tonks airccc
Luca Mckinlay airccc
Ethan Young counties
Murray Watson warccc
Jared Coombes tirccc
Jonathan Coluccio warccc HOT-Gens ace-Orca-TLR-Proline-Arrowmax
Martin Irawan nhrccc
Stuart Grant airccc
Kelvin Yong counties hobbystation,TEAM ASSO,Hobby Wing
Karim Sadykov airccc
Dan Bone airccc Bone racing
Ryland Lambert airccc
Jamie Woolright airccc MItsubishi, Pirelli, BP
Stu Macferson airccc
Rick Bone gkrraceway Bone Racing. Mr Fulla
Lincoln Shepherd airccc
Vince Gee airccc Building Ideas Speedi Models MainlandRC
Ross Martin circcc Hobby Station, Team Associated, Fyrework Fido Batteries
Alex Beck nhrccc Maungi Rc's teken
Kelvin Yong counties hobbystation
Anthony Mara nhrccc Team Zombie NZ/ Yokomo NZ / Frankton Model Shop
James Vercoe airccc
Jackson Coombes tirccc Yokomo Franktonmodelshop Crash Paints
Chris Ware nhrccc
Jonathan Coluccio warccc H.O.T
Alan Looi counties HS
Gavin Clements airccc
Caleb Yong airccc

Entries by class

2wd Stock 17.5 (Closed) (49)

Daniel Yorke 9359010
Craig Pullar2024117
Mike Hunt9596155
Tayla Yorke4144451
Matthew Fitness1226877
Steve Loomes6453537
Nathan Toia1
Shane Gollop2452961
John Fitness7788259
Gavin Clements8830602
Rudie Du Preez5427839
Troy Mckinlay0
Chris Gormanly1
Julian Hardy2360062
Craig Kelly1553814
Alan Looi2045911
Daniel Edwards1878913
Evan Crighton3168108
Adrian Lorenzen8101073
Rhys Kerrigan9912533
Brandon Hodge7173747
Jamie Neeves8486813
Andrew Birdsall1
Neville Bishop4938397
Gareth Lambert2792832
Jonathan Thompson4874010
David Sweeney8486117
Shayne Nixon1692449
Alex Sweeney6003592
Pita Rowe5130596
Robert Tonks5809830
Luca Mckinlay0
Ethan Young3938798
Allan Buchan8601124
Jared Coombes2995809
Martin Irawan2930391
Karim Sadykov4578707
Ryland Lambert4532090
Jamie Woolright3184963
Stu Macferson2447504
Rick Bone7428649
Lincoln Shepherd1455367
Vince Gee9855480
Ross Martin6720896
Alex Beck1527934
Anthony Mara6736558
Jackson Coombes4387177
Chris Ware3067733
Caleb Yong1

2wd Mod 10.5 (Closed) (29)

Dylan Toia1
Mark Gregory1
Logan Toia4101517
Matthew Fitness1226877
Steve Loomes6453537
Colin Storey3158121
Gael Bueno Ware4112312
Alan Looi2045911
Derrick Yao6518928
Mike King124
Adrian Lorenzen3458476
Luke Prattley1
Ben Young9341248
Neville Bishop4938397
Stefan Fourie123456789
Jonathan Thompson6963803
Shayne Nixon4286491
Adrian Shepherd9413104
Justin Shepherd6415522
Scott Brownhill4872532
Murray Watson5276603
Kasey Dawson1
Jamie Woolright3184963
Stu Macferson2898599
Ross Martin4003706
Kelvin Yong5584808
Anthony Mara6736558
James Vercoe7447494
Jonathan Coluccio1009812

4wd Stock 17.5 (Closed) (46)

Daniel Yorke 9163888
Craig Pullar4028882
Mike Hunt4223583
Tayla Yorke2007418
Steve Loomes6453537
Colin Storey8101073
Nathan Toia1
Shane Gollop4186007
John Fitness7647145
Gavin Clements8830602
Rudie Du Preez3997588
Troy Mckinlay0
Chris Gormanly1
Craig Kelly2300046
Alan Looi8484920
Daniel Edwards1878913
Evan Crighton7639600
Derrick Yao7274141
Brandon Hodge7010717
Luke Prattley1
Jamie Neeves5932975
Ben Young3938797
Andrew Birdsall2
Kasey Hawkins4027215
Gareth Lambert4033795
Stefan Fourie123456789
Michael Hawkins6615094
Alex Sweeney4230224
Pita Rowe2462374
Robert Tonks3483892
Luca Mckinlay0
Ethan Young8206726
Allan Buchan2894066
Jared Coombes4694959
Martin Irawan4547380
Stuart Grant4547030
Kelvin Yong5283316
Dan Bone1
Ryland Lambert2171679
Stu Macferson2291571
Rick Bone7733494
Lincoln Shepherd3947413
Vince Gee9855480
Alex Beck3835494
Jackson Coombes4745800
Caleb Yong1

4wd Mod 8.5 (26)

Dylan Toia1
Mark Gregory1
Logan Toia7696063
Colin Storey6147333
Shane Gollop4186007
Gael Bueno Ware8404353
Rudie Du Preez6962447
Julian Hardy1418347
Alan Looi8686965
Daniel Edwards1878913
Derrick Yao7274141
Mike King123
Luke Prattley1
Ben Young2295127
Jonathan Thompson6674484
Adrian Shepherd2460561
Justin Shepherd9435958
Scott Brownhill7466159
Murray Watson5799194
Kasey Dawson1
Stuart Grant4727868
Ross Martin5527367
Kelvin Yong5067573
James Vercoe4628423
Jonathan Coluccio5323409
Gavin Clements8830602

Stadium Truck Stock 17.5 (Closed) (10)

Craig Pullar2024117
Daniel Edwards1878913
Rhys Kerrigan7058086
Jamie Neeves1286557
Gareth Lambert6093087
Stefan Fourie123456789
David Sweeney3055378
Ryland Lambert4532090
Jamie Woolright3184963
Alex Beck9213421

Stadium Truck Mod 10.5 (Closed) (11)

Dylan Toia1
Mike King123
Andrew Birdsall3
Luca Mckinlay0
Allan Buchan7730706
Murray Watson7527392
Jonathan Coluccio8397929
Stuart Grant9671619
Kelvin Yong5067573
James Vercoe1000421
Alan Looi8445893

Vintage Pre95 (17)

Craig Snowdon6387714
Mark Gregory1
Mike Hunt6736558
Matthew Fitness7964867
Steve Loomes6453537
John Fitness6064913
Chris Gormanly1
Julian Hardy4406783
Adrian Lorenzen2847711
Rhys Kerrigan6102889
Kasey Hawkins2741050
Stefan Fourie123456789
Kasey Dawson1
Dan Bone1
Rick Bone6156900
Vince Gee2436441
Caleb Yong1

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