2024 RIR VOFest (Vintage Off-road Festival)
November 23&24 2024

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Entry form

Entries close at 11:59pm 20th November, 2024

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Entry Fees:

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- - - -
- - - -
- - - -



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Our COVID-19 Plan

If you are feeling unwell, please consider other event patrons and make a call that is best for all concerned.

Event information


21 Raukawa road


21 Raukawa Road, RD 10


Leave Palmerston North via Napier Road, Heading towards Ashhurst. Raukawa Road is on your right approximately 6km from the 100kph sign. Turn left in Innerwell Lane, approx 300m from intersection, look for WCS/RIR sign and park in the paddock pit area.


There is ample onsite parking. We recommend you park on the track perimeter, with the row closest to the track being no closer than 3m for pedestrian movements. We will have signs out for this. Power is available on site, there are 3 access points. 1 is beside the timing shed, the next is behind Mt Raukawa and the third is on the workshop. If you wish to stay the night, please be self contained.


We welcome spectators and ask that you drive into the property and park in the paddock behind the pit paddock. Please do not park on Innerwell Lane. This will be signposted.


November 23&24 2024


Gates open at 8am Friday for all day practise. Practise will end when all the old bugga's are worn out and need a beer.


0800 Gates open. 0800 Track opens. 0900 Track closes. 0915 Drivers briefing and cars on display on track 0940 Racing commences 1600 Last race starts. 1630 End of day activities/Old videos/chats/


0800 Gates and track open. 0830 Track closes 0900 Racing starts 1500 Racing ends.

We cant control the weather and we will do our upmost to ensure we go racing. If the weather/other factors force changes to the available racing time, the race organiser will make a call as to how the outcome will be determined. If a wash out, we will move dates to run the event at some stage in 2024. Please contact Julian to sort refunds etc.

Event Information

Its time to reconnect with the past and enjoy the golden years of our drivers and cars. With some of our vehicles approaching 40 years old we want to show them in their finest hours racing against cars of the same technology and age. Our classes are thought through and we believe we have the best outcomes for everyone to have maximum fun while leaving the cars in the closet to period as they can be. Pre89 Plastic 2WD and 4WD inc Undrivables. Where it all started, basically every plastic tub RC car Pre89. Rere allowed. Bearings allowed. Period chassis conversions/upgrades/after market parts allowed. No Carbon fibre, only G10/Fibreglass upgrades. Drive wheels can be no bigger than 2". Tires maybe 2.2" modern shrunk down to the 2" wheel. Original Optima series vehicles are eligible. G27 or Johnson 540 silver can motors only (27 turns minimum). Shocks should be Tamiya CVA style or OEM brand of shock. No big bore alloy shock allowed. Refer to https://www.rcscrapyard.net/buggys.htm#29999 or call me if you are unsure. Pre89 2WD and 4WD For cars of era or rere that are not of plastic construction tubs, that are faster and more agile. Running these cars together makes for better racing. Cars may use 2.2" wheels. G27 or Johnson Silver can motors (27 Turn minimum). Refer to PDF on website for eligible cars. No big bore shocks maximum of 10mm ID. Pre 1996 2wd and 4wd Buggies. The start of the modern era. Fast cars, fantastic suspension, great looking cars that are still rapid despite being near 30 years old. 2.2" wheels and tires allowed, G27 or Johnson Silver can 27Turn motors only. No big bore shocks allowed, max 10mm ID. Pre2013 Stadium Trucks A extention of the years to encourage more ST out on track. Lots of options to show off some really cool old and post modern Stadium Trucks before the modern era kicks in. Trucks are to be Rear Motor only. G27 or Johnson Silver cans 27T motor. RC Orphans 1.1.1997 to 31.12.2014 Finally this post vintage group have had the shackles released and are ready to perform. Better suspension, better gearing and better material make these some really rapid cars. By using this date, we can allow cars that are now obsolete to have a final fling on track to race against their peers. These modern cars will be allowed to use 17.5T Brushless motors and ESC to give them the suitable performance. Tires and wheels are maximum of 2.2". Nitro Stadium Trucks When did you last see one of these weapons? Can be newer than 2013. but model will have to be produced prior to this date. Duratrax, Losi, Traxxas, Associated they all had them, and they are all out there so lets get them back and see what they are capable of. ***Newly Added*** Pre96 Modified Buggy. Go on you know you want to. Anything goes, built yourself the baddest, lightest, fastest buggy, power it with whatever you want whether it be a vintage brushed motor or a modern brushless, any tires, any wheels, just make it fast. Also no weight limit, so for those of you that want to push the boat out, and feel the need to make that old car different, here you go.

Entry Details

Entries open once these regs are published. We welcome any overseas racer to join us for this event.

Control Tyres

None for this event. Sprinters or Goosebumps depending on how the new surface rolls out. We will update this as we ge closer to time and advise best choices.

Contact Information

We use facebook for all our event and club information. If you need to get in touch prior to this or about anything else email rc@rir.nz or call 0274 434343. Cheers!!! Julian

Payment Instructions

Race fees are $20 for each class. $100 family - upto and including 2 adults and 4 juniors. $20 Junior regardless of number of classes you enter. Once you have entered, you must pay your entry fee within 3 days of entry and to the following bank account please. Direct to our account Raukawa International Raceway ANZ, PN. 01-0755-0265226-50 Name as reference please put your name.

Race Director

Julian Hardy

Time Keeper

Julian Hardy


We use the NZRCA rules for class/vehicle/technical requirements. Scales will be on site and competitors will do a self policing weigh in to ensure minimum weights are respected. The racing formats are RIR and as outlined above. This is a 1 day club meeting, trophies are on offer, but if you really want one badly, we know the guy who makes them and he can probably sort one for you if you need then that badly. Facility Rules: RIR is a smokefree facility. Smoking and vaping must be done on the driveway beside the stock pens. Covered shoes must be worn when at the facility. The track is in a paddock, there maybe hazards in the ground. Please takeway all rubbish please. We are a member club of the NZRCA. As such the technical and sporting rules that are set for our sport are respected. As this is a club meeting and our race formats and classes are unique to RIR, these are used as a guideline only, and we encourage you to ask questions if you are concerned - we are here to help and encourage participation at all levels.


We believe that Vintage racing is all about the fun and atmosphere and stories of time gone by. Rules are really more a guideline, but to ensure that we can enable a fair competition we have some that allow some freedoms but within obtainable boundaries. Weights are a fair way to manage performance so we will be checking weights of cars during the weekend.

Prize Giving

A social event will occur on saturday evening after the days racing. Best stories win!!!

Lap Timing

AMB Lap scoring with 4.3 allowing most AMB transponders as well as MRT.


Marshalling is a requirement of all drivers to ensure the meeting runs smoothly. You must marshal the race after your race. A table will be behind the drivers stand for you to put your cars. Once you have finished your race, collect your car and put it on the table, then head out to marshal. If you are doubling up, we will have a small gap to allow you to swop over. Once that race has finished you may then check the race results which will be posted on the shed and collect your car. You may not go back to your pit area immediately after your race. All efforts will be made to not have back to back races but sometimes this is unable to be achieved. No Junior is to marshall the Nitro ST races for safety reasons. We encourage lots of volunteer marshalling during the vintage racing as we know there will be a lot of cross entries in the classes.


Mowen grass pit area, 240V Power, air compressor. Bring your own tables, chairs, ezups. Ezups must be pegged - this is the Manawatu afterall. Bring a chair, it will be a long few days but a great deal of fun.


We are aiming to have a self service BBQ installed by the event. We will provide food and utensils and feel free to help yourself. A urn will be operating and free coffee/tea will be available.


No provision for bad weather has been allowed. We will advise you of plans during the day and make changes as required to make the event work.

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Event Entry List >


Name Sponsors Paid

Pre89 Plastic 2WD

Pre89 Plastic 4WD

Pre89 2WD Buggy

Pre89 4WD Buggy

Pre96 2WD Buggy

Pre96 4WD Buggy

Orphan 2WD 1.1.97 to 31.12.2013

Orphan 4WD 1.1.97 to 31.12.2013

Wheelie Class

Nitro ST Truck

Pre 2013 Stadium Truck (RM Only)

Modified Pre96 Buggy

Julian Hardy WCS. PR Racing NZ
Warren Coles
craig snowdon Building ideas
Lambert Elton E Lambert Plaster and Paint
Stephen Joblin
Stephen Joblin
Rick Bone Bone Racing GKR Raceway
Lee Odlin
Bryan Jordan
Chris Gormanly RIR
Mark Pilbrow TopShelf-RC www.topshelf-rc.co.nz
Matt Whitmarsh
Alex Whitmarsh
Richard Whitmarsh
Edwin Pibal Brendon Motors Racing

Entries by class

Pre89 Plastic 2WD (3)

Julian Hardy
Lambert Elton
Mark Pilbrow7102132

Pre89 Plastic 4WD (5)

Julian Hardy
Lambert Elton
Chris Gormanly1
Mark Pilbrow4099401
Matt Whitmarsh7028913

Pre89 2WD Buggy (9)

Warren Coles
Rick Bone6156900
Lee Odlin
Dan Bone4999577
Bryan Jordan7247784
Mark Pilbrow5024955
Kasey Dawson-1
Matt Whitmarsh8833853

Pre89 4WD Buggy (10)

Warren Coles
craig snowdon1
Lambert Elton
Stephen Joblin999
Lee Odlin
Bryan Jordan7247784
Mark Pilbrow7274619
Kasey Dawson-1
Matt Whitmarsh6261428

Pre96 2WD Buggy (10)

Julian Hardy
Warren Coles
Stephen Joblin999
Rick Bone8516603
Lee Odlin
Dan Bone1070340
Chris Gormanly1
Alex Whitmarsh9729959
Richard Whitmarsh4955984

Pre96 4WD Buggy (9)

craig snowdon1
Lambert Elton
Rick Bone7428649
Lee Odlin
Dan Bone4999577
Chris Gormanly1
Mark Pilbrow9452667
Alex Whitmarsh3759643
Richard Whitmarsh6105737

Orphan 2WD 1.1.97 to 31.12.2013 (1)

Bryan Jordan7247784

Orphan 4WD 1.1.97 to 31.12.2013 (1)

Kasey Dawson-1

Wheelie Class (1)

Julian Hardy

Nitro ST Truck (0)

Pre 2013 Stadium Truck (RM Only) (5)

Julian Hardy
craig snowdon1
Dan Bone1070340
Bryan Jordan7247784
Mark Pilbrow4217300

Modified Pre96 Buggy (6)

Rick Bone7733494
Lee Odlin
Bryan Jordan7247784
Chris Gormanly1
Kasey Dawson-1
Edwin Pibal

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