SMRC Random Stockcar Teams

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Entries close at 11:59pm 4th December, 2024

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Race Number * Transponder * Please enter your transponder & race number
Race Number * Transponder * Please enter your transponder & race number
Race Number * Transponder * Please enter your transponder & race number
Race Number * Transponder * Please enter your transponder & race number
Race Number * Transponder * Please enter your transponder & race number

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Event information


Greerton Community Hall

1257 Cameron Road




Parking is next to the hall. Please do not park on the grass or in front of the hall in the driveway.



Pit Tables are first in first served. Power is available. If everyone could help set up before the meeting it will help us get underway faster. Please make sure your cars are ready to go as we will try our best to be racing by 10am sharp. Payment on the day $20 and 12 and under is $5. Please bring correct money. Check in on day closes at 0930am. Stockcar Team is randomly drawn and the amount of people per team may not be as per rule book. Format will be determined by the entries. Entries close Wednesday 5 December @ 7pm Doors Open 09:00am Registration Closes 09:30am Racing 10:00am

Payment Instructions

Payment are made on race day and bring right money. $20 Adults $5 Children 12 and under

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Event Entry List >


Name Club Sponsors Paid






Stockcars 12 and under

Glen Ireland m Wrapped Auto Signs - C4 Carriers Ltd
Blake Ireland m Wrapped Auto Signs - C4 Carriers Ltd
Basil Weyers counties Outlaw RC Support
Simon Hurunui a Hurunui RC Racing, ONE 7 RC, SMRC
Tyler Murdoch h Outlaw rc developments, blackjack rc services, XXXII designs
Hayden Holmberg m
Shane O'Connor counties Outlaw RC
Henry Ford m
Caitlyn Ashcroft m Cp’s rc’s
Jakub Bourke m Jubby rc repairs
Carl Bourke m Carlos rc speedshop
Willow Bourke m Stinky’s seating services
Blake Lockett a Frankton Model Shop - Outlaw RC - XXXII Designs
Tony Clarke m
Vaughan Allan s
Jo De Waal s DJ Graphics, stratford ITM,
David De Waal s DJ Graphics, stratford ITM,
Corey Murdoch a
Corey Murdoch a Outlaw Rc Development, Blackjack Rc Services, XXXll Designs, Frankton Model Shop, Capital Rcs
Cohen Wright b Jubby rc James Wilson panel and paint
Tony Lusty s Kiwi Proud Carvings
Ethan Curran t XXXII Designs, Blackjack RC Services, AKL RC
Evan Ireland m Wrapped, C4 carriers
Matt Stone t Blackjack RC Services, 32 designs, One7, Hyper, AKLRC,
Corbin Bourke m Cjb finance
Shane Macdonald gkrraceway SMRC
Cameron Macdonald m SMRC
Nathan Macdonald m SMRC
Merv Macdonald gkrraceway SMRC
David Crooke a XXXII Designs, Blackjack RC Services
Jackson Ford h
Ben Cooper m
Hayden Moorhouse counties Outlaw Rc. LB racing
Charlie Ford m
Bert Cardwell a Black Jack RC Services, XXXII Designs, FAT BUILT RC's, Farr-Gough Logistics
Tony Cooper m
Jordan Cooper m
Bentley Hussey s
liz Cruikshank m
Evan Crighton counties
Gary Mclinchie m
Amber Mclinchie m
Rowan Boyce m
Rowan Boyce m
Kevin Simonsen m

Entries by class

Superstocks (22)

Cameron Rea3493261137a
Glen Ireland109621413m
Basil Weyers819661269A
Simon Hurunui244731558a
Hayden Holmberg745307784m
Shane O'Connor84685728a
Tony Clarke233930214m
Vaughan Allan804842021s
Jo De Waal307610112s
Corey Murdoch000000034a
Cohen Wright000088B
Ethan Curran949184798A
Evan Ireland1958916129m
Matt Stone487969121a
Corbin Bourke30187652nz
Shane Macdonald620966729m
Ben Cooper2851131555m
Hayden Moorhouse513390132a
Bert Cardwell608809486A
Tony Cooper1781194456m
Evan Crighton7571647321a
Kevin Simonsen730273017m

Stockcars (39)

Cameron Rea5492752137a
Glen Ireland213251313m
Blake Ireland206855099m
Basil Weyers245550769A
Tyler Murdoch977532789H
Hayden Holmberg409582884m
Jack Wilson6944615121A
Shane O'Connor54837618a
Henry Ford999208218m
Caitlyn Ashcroft4841249441m
Jakub Bourke1134093661m
Carl Bourke3475636174m
Willow Bourke9459284551m
Blake Lockett53548899a
Tony Clarke412295314m
Vaughan Allan572565521s
Jo De Waal331081312s
David De Waal322299646s
Corey Murdoch718575134a
Cohen Wright000088B
Tony Lusty80756126s
Ethan Curran328663098A
Evan Ireland9658284129m
Matt Stone836639321a
Corbin Bourke4284627257m
Cameron Macdonald799925126m
Nathan Macdonald478577523m
David Crooke547116518A
Jackson Ford889509620m
Ben Cooper9912034555m
Hayden Moorhouse195256432a
Charlie Ford405838019m
Bert Cardwell608809486A
Tony Cooper8449391456m
Bentley Hussey1602822141s
Evan Crighton3168108321a
Gary Mclinchie918189651m
Rowan Boyce39889835m
Kevin Simonsen126853217m

Saloons (13)

Glen Ireland412227213m
Hayden Holmberg273841084m
Jack Wilson4905956121A
Shane O'Connor95049318a
Carl Bourke3373772174m
Willow Bourke7611037551m
Tony Clarke533602614m
David De Waal555519846s
Cohen Wright000088B
Evan Ireland5912429129m
Shane Macdonald990429629m
Ben Cooper3259667555m
Charlie Ford260932619m

Modifieds (11)

Glen Ireland567546813m
Simon Hurunui863414358a
Tyler Murdoch089H
Hayden Holmberg589866084m
Shane O'Connor34142628a
Jakub Bourke2998277661m
Blake Lockett31352079a
Tony Clarke581450214m
Evan Ireland7920722129m
Corbin Bourke7798057257m
Shane Macdonald466363329m

Streetstocks (26)

Glen Ireland317071513m
Blake Ireland206631299m
Basil Weyers181591469A
Hayden Holmberg521014984m
Shane O'Connor99089468a
Caitlyn Ashcroft3652614441m
Tony Clarke837421414m
Vaughan Allan128666421s
Jo De Waal739853912s
David De Waal513432146s
Tony Lusty80308606s
Matt Stone550379521a
Cameron Macdonald565062726m
Nathan Macdonald479902323m
Merv Macdonald529835743m
David Crooke698412718A
Jackson Ford657063720m
Ben Cooper9329265555m
Bert Cardwell608809486A
Tony Cooper8645622456m
Jordan Cooper88344206m
Bentley Hussey7533068141s
liz Cruikshank740861615m
Amber Mclinchie180475055
Rowan Boyce30614195
Kevin Simonsen960992217m

Stockcars 12 and under (0)

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