Points round 5
Sunday 9th February

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Entry form

Entries close at 11:59pm 9th February, 2025

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Entry Fees:

There is a maximum charge of $25

DescriptionFirst EntryAdditional EntrySum
- - - -
- - - -
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Total number of entries -

There is a maximum charge of $25

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Event information


Sunday 9th February


07:30 - Gates Open

8:30 - Open Practice Electric and registration payment

9:00 Open Practice Gas and registration payment

09:30 - Registration payment

9:45 - Drivers Briefing

10:00 - Qualifying and Finals 

The timetable is approximate only, and subject to change. Dependant on weather, entry numbers, other factors. At the discretion of Race Control

Event Information

Canterbury Radio Control Car Club 1. Registration to be done online for drivers. 2. No Gas Cars on track before 9am3. Please be registered online by midnight Saturday the day before 4. when racing in novice class you only will be able to race in novice not in stock class as well novice class is intended for entry level and for learning not a extra class for track time

Control Tyres

No Control Tyres

Payment Instructions

Please Pay either on the day or by the friday before the event via internet banking WESTPAC 03-0814-0183555-00 One car $10 Two Cars $15


Open Practice Electric 08:30 - 9.00 Gas 9.00 - 9.30


Qualifying - 3 rounds x 5 Minutes for Electric Qualifying - 3 rounds x 5 Minutes for Gas Depending on number of entries


Super Stock Touring 5 minutes Stock Touring 5 minutes Novice 5 Minutes F1 5 minutes 1/8 Gt 20 minutes 1/8th GtE 8 minutes 1/10th Nitro Touring 20 Minutes 1/8 Nitro 20 Minutes


Rules follow the NZRCA, which can be found at https://www.nzrca.co.nz/rules Including the club rules for each class when racing in novice class you only will be able to race in novice not in stock class as well novice class is intended for entry level and for learning not a extra class for track time


G6.1.1...Drivers must marshal the race following their own.The first race will be marshalled by the drivers of the last race.A driver may arrange a competent substitute and notify the Race Director of such arrangements. Please sanitise after marshalling


Power, tables, sunblock, Sanitiser, toilets.


Food and drink availabile




If rained out the following sunday will be the next race day


Please check Facebook for Cancellations

Other info

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/canterbury.rc.car.club

Event Website >

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Event Entry List >


Name Sponsors Paid

Super Stock Touring

Stock Touring


Formula One

1:8 GT

Fwd drive

1:8 Can-Am

1:8 GTe

1:8 Can-Am E

Don Collins Dongo.com
Daniel Steenhart Rc parts
Shane Merrall
Patrick Dench
Michael Burt
Kevin Dench
Grant McEwan
Mark Coulbeck
Warren Coulbeck
Todd Lauritzen
Barry Brown
Blair Hammond Bis4Bodies, Mainland RC
Graham Weavers
Darel Weavers Digital Decal
tony mcgregor
Daniel Webber
Gary Houliston
Henry Houliston
Luke Prattley
rohit ranjit
Kara Steenhart Rc parts
Slade Irwin Rc parts
Rc ing Racoon Me myself and i
Craig Lamb
Brendon Kirk
Dean Wong
Damon Moffitt-Wong
Tim Engel
Lee Thomas GTRC
Willy Sloane Hobby Station
Sammy Sloane
Jason Pannett

Entries by class

Super Stock Touring (0)

Stock Touring (14)

Grant McEwan2831847
Mark Coulbeck8803073
Todd Lauritzen9602600
Barry Brown 6207001
tony mcgregor5177127
Gary Houliston3082173
Henry Houliston3130973
Luke Prattley1
rohit ranjit4842195
Rc ing Racoon 3938471
Dean Wong5310321
Tim Engel 1565291
Lee Thomas8769763
Willy Sloane6607493

Novice (5)

Warren Coulbeck7388217
Kara Steenhart 8058173
Slade Irwin 2083449
Damon Moffitt-Wong2784861
Sammy Sloane6422496

Formula One (14)

Don Collins 8007273
Patrick Dench 7709258
Kevin Dench8363162
Mark Coulbeck4377382
Barry Brown 8951123
Blair Hammond8870325
tony mcgregor3497352
Daniel Webber7855064
Luke Prattley1
Craig Lamb5695269
Tim Engel 2540740
Lee Thomas6459482
Willy Sloane2984553
Jason Pannett6293050

1:8 GT (5)

Michael Burt4539022
Kevin Dench9443259
Graham Weavers1839637
Darel Weavers4013327
Brendon Kirk1

Fwd drive (6)

Grant McEwan3261058
Todd Lauritzen2111348
Gary Houliston5100315
Henry Houliston2070309
Luke Prattley1
Willy Sloane5812516

1:8 Can-Am (2)

Daniel Steenhart 3868124
Shane Merrall8245201

1:8 GTe (0)

1:8 Can-Am E (1)

Shane Merrall7415603

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